I like dividing life into 100 day projects.
Design your habits – Don’t default them….
Here are examples of some of what I’ve done. If you want your team at work to jump into creating new fun habits, then book me for a fun presentation where I share 15 years of fun stories on these.

  • 100 days of reading War & Peace
  • 100 days playing guitar – 2 hours a day
  • 100 days of journalling on daily wins
  • 100 days mental releases/guided meditations of “Letting go” of any resistance from within me.
  • 100 days reading for my kids, one chapter daily from The Old Testament .
  • 30 days of random acts of kindness… this was hilarious yet unforgettable. From sharing a warm meal with a homeless person in Oslo to delivering a cake to the police station.
  • 100 days playing around football tricks with Lily out in the street. Some days it was only 7 minutes but most days it was 30. Lily went from a little bit of fear of ball sports to being able to do quite a lot of tricks, dribbling, throwing, catching… unforgettable fun!
  • 100 days of shooting 300 foosball shots on two different tables to get ready for the world cup, it lasted 2.5 years…
  • 30 days of talking and recording me speaking about random objects and then publishing on LinkedIn Eg. A 7 minute video on a piece of grass…
  • 100 days of balancing a bicycle on my head while juggling 3 clubs… although it took me 2 years practice to finally “get” the trick…
  • 100 days bird watching – Actually saw a load of squirrels, didn’t realise there were so many running around!
  • 100 days of heading two footballs in the air at the same time, only got up to 7 touches, this one is crazy difficult!
  • 100 days of maths… 2 pages of maths with my two amazing daughters. We covered the whole 5-7 grade maths syllabus in 100 days. I explain to my oldest daughter and she explains, while I listen, to my youngest daughter. So much fun and once a lot of the basics are in place this one is hilarious!
  • 100 days of Chess – Playing chess every day with Margrete. She is a terrible winner! hahaha. This was a year.
  • 100 days of jumping rope (skipping). Ended up being 1000 (1 thousand) days with an average 74 minutes per day. This was and still is an amazing adventure. I jump now roughly every other day.
  • 100 days of zero social media (I stopped with social media I used: facebook, instagram, twitter and linkedin. This was real easy and quickly became a beautiful habit letting me be more in the moment of everyday situations. The free time also lets me read more books.
  • 100 days vegan-Keto diet (After over 3 years vegan, I went vegan-keto to see if I can experience cognitive boost, improved memory and more energetic. This diet would be too brutal for many people but I see it as fun to play. I’ve increased supplements while on this diet to look after my health. I also decided to do this totally sugar-free. The sugar cravings during the first two weeks were pretty tough and over Christmas too! If you’re interested in Keto get in touch!)
  • 100 days of push-ups (This was crazy tough on my shoulders. No rest days. I knew after a while that this was a habit that I did not want to continue with but I completed the 100 days for fun)
  • 100 days of running (min 30 minutes per day, this one lasted 214 days. Running is absolutely something everyone (if physically possible) should do more)
  • 100 days of sugar-free food (Totally free, nothing containing sugar. Weird feeling the cravings the mind creates during the first to weeks)
  • 100 days without caffeine (caffeine free tea allowed. This was real easy and lasted 3 years without coffee. Recently I decided to take a coffee every now and then just for fun to see what happens and wow! legs and fingers tapping due to coffeine shock 🙂
  • 100 days eating Vegan food (Plant based diet, no meat, no fish, no dairy. Still doing this after 4 years.)
  • 100 days cycling indoors TacX trainer (while watching TV this was easy to turn into a habit for 100 days, there are so many netflix series to watch while cycling.)
  • 100 days of direct customer contact (face to face with customers. Just get out there and help people. The result is profit and a bigger network.)
  • 100 days no alcohol (Didn’t drink often anyway so this was real easy.)
  • 100 days of Rubiks cube solving (Didn’t get under 2 mins solve but I just ended up learning a lot of algorithms and using memory techniques like memory palces to remember them. It looks impressive doing a rubiks cube fast but it’s pretty boring)
  • 100 days of 5am at the local cafe. Have met some amazing and some crazy people at 5am. This was probably the craziest 100-day challenge but the most fun.
  • 100 days of wearing uniform to work. Black trousers, white shirt, black tie. This is still ongoing 1 and a half years. I have my own company so I really don’t have to wear a uniform, that’s sorta why this was fun. I also found out that this simplifies my life and I have too many clothes. This lasted 4 years…
  • 100 days of wearing weird shirts to work to destroy the previous habit…. Got some fun shirts!
  • 100 days of the crazy trousers…. pink leopard skin design is the best 🙂
  • 30 days of carnivore diet which is basically meat and water. This one wasn’t much fun. I considered doing this for 100 days but unsure of the health side so I stopped at 30 days.
  • 30 days of cold showers. Day 1 was pure resistance both physically and mentally but the longer this went on the more fun it became and the easier it got.
  • 30 days of skipping rope but this will probably just keep going for 100 days.(Update on day 493)
  • 100 days of wakening Margrete in bed with a fresh cup of coffee. I’ve liked the eating or drinking in bed habit so this was a challenge 🙂 However, Margrete loved this one.
  • 30 days of boxing bag training. Glad this one was only 30 days as I really didn’t get much out of this exercise. Maybe it’s more fun with a partner and taking turns boxing. The bag is in my basement and Lily trains her Taekwando by kicking the bag.
  • 100 days of posting on LinkedIn. I’ve been on LinkedIn since March 11, 2009 and have previously used it to network and try to get bookings for work. I used to care about my profile and who was looking etc but now I don’t care a bit. So, I’ve created my own group and just giveaway all my work secrets and ideas there.
  • 100 days of reading “inspirational books”. Now I get much more inspiration from meeting people and talking with them openly about life, habits, work, what motivates them etc. I’ve since moved back again to reading fiction which is much more fun. I’m a big Chuck Palahniuk fan and read a lot of his work.
  • 100 days of sit-ups. I found this one tough for this first week and then it became relatively easy so a couple of days a week I had to add on some resistance with a weighted vest. This felt like a really boring 100 day project, just sort of ridiculous. I was able to see some sort of 6pack develop but so what 🙂
  • 100 days of creating a 2 minute video with only one take allowed before posting in my linkedin group. This one helped me speak more in flow and natural.
  • 100 days of creating maths podcasts for my girls. They love using their mobile phones so I created their maths syllabus to short daily podcasts.
  • 100 days of sleep mask training – I can now usually fall asleep with 20 seconds
  •  100 days of nothingness – really difficult but very beneficial!
  • 100 days of playing Wordfeud on telephone – Tip to be better = start with word endings

I also have helped other people/organisations to do 100 days projects:

  • 100 days of increasing empathy in a department at work
  • 100 days of better Portfolio Management
  • 100 days of PRINCE2 project management method
  • 100 days of Kanban method (Including daily stand-ups 8.40am)
  • 100 days of Impressing your team (This was a leader for a team at work)
  • 100 days of playing guitar (friend)
  • 100 days of without Snus (Norwegian tobacco placed under lip)
  • 100 days of Here and Now (Just sitting, eyes closed 10 mins daily)
  • 100 days without drinking any lemonade
  • 100 days being a better father
  • 100 days reading for daughter (30 mins daily)
  • 100 days being a better wife
  • 100 days of learning Indonesian (woman in Australia)
  • 100 days of stretching Taekwando Lily
  • 100 days of giving more plusses +
  • 100 public speaking
  • 100 days journalling on daily wins