Want me to recommend some business/work books for you? Let me know what you work with and I’ll send you my recomendations.
List over books that in some way has inspired this website or just inspired me. If you want to know where I get a lot of my ideas, then start reading. Newest books read will be continually added to the top of the list to make it easier to follow:
Some people ask me what i would recommend for them to read. Honestly, I have no idea but here are some I personally really loved and have read more than once:
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. This book should be compulsory reading in life. One book to rule them all. It’s that simple.
- Happiness is Free – Wow!!!! Lester Levenson – This book really changed my views in life.
- 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. I think this should be taught in every single school for kids and then later again for teenagers. I’ve read the book several times and am accredited APMG trainer to teach the 7 habits.
- Happy by Derren Brown. This was such a fantastic read. It takes a little while to get going and if the reader gets past the history lessons in the early chapters it is definitely worth the time. Some amazing ideas, great tips for living and dying as happily as possible.
- Linchpin by Seth Godin. I owe Seth Godin, the author, a big thanks. This book is probably one of the biggest contributors to me living as a successful consultant. Many years since I first read it but it really got me going!
- Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters. If I ever need a little boost to get me changing some habits I open this again and start reading. Who is sitting at the controls of my decision making? Great book, great ideas and easily read.
- Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. This book is so straight up, hard-hitting, get stuff done, do something right now, stop procrastinating, come on!, right now, type of book that I don’t think many people will finish the book. Instead they will start doing the thing they really want to do. This book, just like Marie Forleo, is quite amazing!
And here follows the booklist I compile of all the books I’ve read since starting my website. New books will keep being added to the top of the list.
- Grit – Another book on passion…
- The Unicorn project – Follow up to Phoenix project
- Unstoppable – The 90 day plan…
- Mindfulzen – 30 days for habits
- How to talk so kids will listen – Great simple book
- …And listen so kids will talk – Even simpler
- Outsmart your brain – Who is in control??
- Simplicity – Ed De Bono trying to simplify
- Messengers – Talk better about others!
- Hard facts – Real fun read about half-truths
- Impact – Tips when under pressure
- Everything is figureoutable – What an amazing book! EIF!
- Stillness is the key – Wow! Nice book!
- Twelve Against the Gods – My next book to read only because Elon Musk recommended this book.
- Willpower Doesn’t Work – Interesting ideas on what people really want and how they make decisions
- Raise your Game – Stop reading, start doing 🙂
- The Ideal Team Player – Nice fresh ideas on team players
- My Hidden Chimp – A workbook for kids about owning their own emotions
- Dirty Vegan – Great stories about great recipes
- The Essential Marcus Aurelius – Possibly the best book on this list!
- The Talent Code – Lots of anecdotes but some great tips!
- Keto for beginners – Follow keto diet for mental clarity and boost!
- Rethinking Agile – Beautiful book with many great tips for Business agility
- Silent guides – Follow up from the classic Chimp Paradox
- High output management – recommended by many successful leaders
- The effective executive – Drucker classic, just had to read this
- The no asshole rule – Assholes will hire other assholes 🙂
- Forty tales from the afterlives – Some great chapters here!
- Radical candor – Be a kick-ass boss
- The perfect day (Some nice tips to be more effective)
- Can’t hurt me (OMG!!! Dave is amazing person!)
- The hard thing about hard things (how to build a business)
- Tricks of the mind (Derren Brown – good memorisation tips)
- Happy (Derren Brown – Fantastic, will read twice!)
- It doesn’t have to be crazy at work – Damn cool book!
- The art of stopping time – Beautiful book 🙂
- F#ck Feelings – Interesting read
- Turn the ship around (Great ideas on building better leaders)
- Master mental toughness (Great book from Simon!)
- Listening – The superpower!
- Impress – The one essential tip
- Helping a friend in trouble – When a friend needs help
- Hidden benefits of failing – Failing, learning and innovation
- Organization – The simple way – Organising at work
- Mental Training – The Core – How we train mentally
- Free Will – Click here if you want to
- And so…? – What are you gonna do about it?
- Kick-Ass CV – How to write a CV
- Hyperlist -Describe anything – simple and effective
- Recruitment – Get it right
- Make it simple – Stop complicating
- Chasing the Scream (The opposite of addiction is connection)
- Siddhartha (Classic novel from 1922)
- Mental Combat (Mind hacks and brain challenges)
- How to change the world (More on Change Management techniques)
- 12 Rules for life (Bought this at J.Peterson show in London)
- Crushing it! (Get mentally pumped with GaryVee!)
- Armada (Wow! Classic sci-fi novel, same author as Ready player 1)
- Ready Player One (Best book on this list?!)
- Tao of Seneca: Volume 1 (Amazing)
- Tao of Seneca: Volume 2 (Amazing)
- Tao of Seneca: Volume 3 (Amazing)
- Tribe of Mentors (Released Nov.21, 2017 – Yippee!)
- The 8th Habit (Nice addition the original 7)
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (Must read for teenagers)
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids (Must read for kids)
- LieSpotting (Ok book for reading body language)
- Dual Transformation (Be ready))
- Tools of Titans (Classic Tim Ferriss! Real cool book)
- ThinkerToys (Fantastic book for ideas)
- A message to Garcia (A classic book written in under 1 hour)
- Do you talk Funny? (hahaha)
- The Rise of Superman (A classic)
- Give and Take (Nice read)
- 42 Rules for Creating WE (Excellent with real nice tips for teams)
- The Way of the Champion (Classic)
- Principles: Life and Work (Very popular book worth reading)
- Permission to screw up (Real nice believable story)
- Why Teams Don’t Work (Good balance against teambuilding)
- Running Lean (Good ideas on iterating that works)
- This is Lean (Fantastic book!)
- På Stedet Løp (On the treadmill of life)
- Eat That Frog (Doing things today)
- First Things First (Coveys habits)
- How To Enjoy Your Life And job (Carnegie teachings)
- Personal Kanban (Great ideas for structure)
- Good Strategy Bad Strategy (Great book on strategy)
- Fully Charged (Excellent on organisational cultural energy)
- Win or Learn (Inside Conor McGregor’s mind!)
- Lego Serious Play Method (More play! Seriously!)
- The Cutting-Edge Runner (Quick read, long runs)
- The One Thing (Inspiring)
- God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (Fantastic treat!)
- Show and Tell (amazing book for amazing presentations)
- Racing Weight (For undurance athletes, great stuff)
- Relentless Forward Progress (Must read for ultrarunners)
- Thrive (For vegans!)
- Cosmos (The infographic book of space!!)
- Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (classic)
- Ted Talks (Decent book)
- Live Well Live Long (The authors surname is Deadman! )
- Effective Change Managers handbook (More like an encyclopedia)
- I Am Right, You Are Wrong (Great De Bono ideas)
- En God Beslutning (Good read about decisions)
- Urban Monk (Peaceful reading)
- Insight Selling (Some good sales workshop idea)
- The Humans (About….everything)
- HBR – 10 must read articles 2016 (Some good articles here)
- The code of the extraordinary mind (Extraordinary)
- Breaking the habit of being yourself (Ok, not really for me)
- The art of thinking clearly (Easier read than Talebs “Antifragile”)
- Pressure principle ( Nice stories about pressure in sports)
- Stillhetens råskap (Excellent ideas and exercises)
- Rolig og oppmerksom som en frosk (Awareness training for kids)
- Holacracy (How to radically change organizations)
- How to be fucking awesome (Fun with some excellent ideas)
- How to be a productivity ninja (Nice read)
- How to win friends and influence people (A classic)
- Triggers (Good questioning skills in this book)
- Peaks and Valleys (From the author of “Who moved my cheese?”)
- Little Bets (Fail quickly, learn fast, nice book)
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
- Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder (Just freaking amazing!)
- Start with Why (Sinek masterpiece!)
- Blink: The power of thinking without thinking (A classic from Malcolm Gladwell!)
- Drive: What motivates us? (Excellent simple reading about motivation)
- Awaken the giant within (Tony Robbins and inspirational)
- Who moved my cheese? (About the mice)
- Simple: Conquering the crisis of complexity (How to work simpler)
- Nittenåttifire (1984 & Geirs wonderful story!)
- The Book: On the taboo against knowing who you are
- Agile innovation (fantastic book with great ideas)
- Lean from the trenches (One of the best project management books I’ve read)
- Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO (Some great tips!)
- Enchantment (inspiring read)
- Being agile in business (Sets my mind in creative mode)
- Screw work, let’s play (sparks new ideas)
- Start with why (Amazing yet simple)
- The gift (Inspiring, a bit heavy at times but everyone should read this)
- Simple – conquering the crisis of complexity (Fantastic examples included)
- Business for punks (Totally inspiring and great story)
- Talk like Ted (Some nice simple ideas)
- Inner game of tennis (The bible)
- Superteams (Loads of ideas for better teams)
- The power of habit (Sets my mind in overdrive)
- The marshmallow test (Great story)
- Scrum (Inspiring, simple, fantastic read)
- How to develop character (Got all the author’s books, great guy)
- Fish! (Inspiring about a team who dared be different)
- Peak performance, every time (Great ideas included)
- Agile pocket guide (Nice book to grab for quick ideas)
- Mind gym (Loads of great ideas for mental training)
- Find out anything anytime, from anyone (Misleading title, but great ideas)
- The life changing magic of not giving a f**k (Beautiful!)
- Mindfulness on the go (Just gotta read it often)
- Mindfulness for dummies (Lots of simple great ideas)
- The little book of big decision models (Beautiful little book)
- How to succeed with people (Misleading title but good read and ideas)
- Hvem blir best? (Brilliant stories)
- Mistake were made (but not by me) (This will challenge your every thought)
- A perfect mess (Fantastic book about chaos)
- Inner game of work (Based on “The bible” see inner game of tennis)
- Finding your zone (Nice simple ideas to test)
- The five most important questions (Drucker = Genius)
- The chimp paradox (Great for tinkering with will)
- Blink (Absolute genius)
- Evil plans (Inspiring work from genius Hugh)
- Rework (Great ideas to charge up work)
- Profit first (Finally, understand money easier)
- Mastering the unpredictable (Fantastic collection of works)
- The brain (Crazy cool facts and stories about our brains)
- Radical honesty (May change your life, handle with care)
- Thinking, fast and slow ( A classic read)
- Fearless (Inspiring on achieving success)
- Jeg er Zlatan (Buy this for teenagers who do sport)
- First, break all the rules (Love the ideas here!)
- Software in 30 days (New business ideas in 30 days!)
- Gamestorming (Playing around with fun business ideas)
- Juggling with finesse (I’ve had this for 25 years and love it)
- Juggling – The art and its artists (Inspiring people and art)
- Det er ikke mer synd på deg enn andre (Nice book on radical coaching)
- Sjef i eget liv (Book on who really decides)
- Fra ord til handling (By a previous coach of mine, Hans-Trygve is a great guy!)
- The Checklist (When and why use checklists, nice read)
- To have or to be (A classic, great book)
- Superfreakonomics (Podcasters I listen to)
- How pleasure works (Thought provoking read)
- Emotional intelligence (Some good parts make this a must to read)
- Growing great employees (Just like plants, water often)
- Winning ugly (How to win…)
- Thinking, fast and slow (A classic already)
- Napoleons Hills, A year of growing rich (Inspirational advice)
- The numbers game (It’s all about numbers 🙂
- Få ting gjort (Inspired me to do things differently)
- The art of possibility (Excellent short book)
- I remember nothing (Beautiful piece of writing)
- Dilbert and the way of the weasel (Classic office fun and how not to work)
- The network society (We’re all linked together)
- The mesh (Amazing ideas)
- The 7 irrefutable rules of small business growth (sparks new ideas)
- Crucial conversations (Sparked many new ideas for me)
- Entrepreneurs book of checklists (What to do and what not to do)
- Passing the hat (Mix of street performing and sales)
- Messi (The superstar)
- Guts! (Loads of inspirational ideas on how to lead)
- Nudge (A classic!)
- Top dog (Looking at the world a little differently)
- We are all weird (Simple yet fantastic Seth Godin book)
- Tribes (Simple and inspiring book from Seth Godin)
- It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be (read this often)
- The fall of PR & the rise of advertising (Author is a great guy)
- The tibetan book of living and dying (The book to read if you need perspective)
- Helstøpt (Nice ideas from a great guy)
- Napoleon Hill, Think and grow rich (Simple advice to get rich)
- The dilbert future (short fun read)
- The joy of work (Dilbert classic)
- Seinlanguage (Love Seinfeld’s ideas)
- Inverting the pyramid (Why football is played the way it is)
- The war of art (Inspirational to break through obstacles)
- Helvetesuka (Inspired me to do things differently)
- Bli best (Inspired me to do things differently)
- The lazy way to success (Fred is an amazing guy!)
- Grunnbok i strategi (The basics of strategy)
- Who dares, runs (Totally crazy story)
- Geek dad (How to play with kids – geek style experiments)
- Coaching, the mental game (Inspired me to do things simpler)
- Leading teams (Some good simple advice)
- What technology wants (Kevin Kelly classic)
- The tibetan art of living (Everyone should read this)
- Be creative (Inspired some cool ideas)
- Words that change minds (Choose words wisely)
- Hey whipple, squeeze this (A classic )
- Kjeft mindre (Inspirational on how to talk with kids)
- Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (Amazing story)
- The 7 habits of highly effective people (Sparked new ideas)
- Seinfeld universe (Love Seinfeld!)
- Obedience to authority (About will and habits, sparked loads of ideas)
- Top performer (Performing)
- Enrico Rastelli (Not many have heard of him but a real hardworking genius!)
- How to win every argument (Inspired me to not win every argument)
- The leadership pipeline (Sparked loads of ideas)
- Punk marketing (Ideas to do things differently)
- Accelerated learning (How to teach so students learn faster)
- Incognito (My favourite word and great book about the brain!)
- Great by choice (Referenced by many other authors)
- Linchpin (Truly inspired me on how to inspire teams)
- The art of choosing (Fun facts packed with good examples)
- Zilch (Zero to say here!)
- How children learn (Holt classic)
- How children fail (Holt classic)
- Instead of education (Beautiful ideas!)
- Synlig læring (Get this book into every school)
- Business model generation (Nice brainstorming ideas)
- Real-World Kanban
- Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories
- Run Gently Out There
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
- Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth About Success
- Mental Training – Master Your Thoughts
- 10 Tips to Improve Confidence and Success in Young Athletes
- Bring Your “A” Game
- Buddha in Blue Jeans
- Still the Mind (Beautiful little book)
- Train Your Brain & Mental Strength
- Conversation Tactics
- The 4-Hour Body
- Singlehanded Sailing
- Sailing – A Metaphor for Life
- Split Second
- The Art of Mental Training
- Stronger Together: How Great Teams Work
- The Art of Mental Training
- Solve IT
- How To Shine
- Two Lengths of the Pool
- Kanban
- Agile Kids
- Agile Project Management
- The Visible Ops Handbook
- The Phoenix Project
- With Winning in Mind
- The Ten-Minute Trainer: 150 Ways to Teach it Quickly
- Training From the Back of the Room!
- Zen Golf: Mastering the Mental Game
- The Inner Game Of Golf
- The Flinch
- Best Practices Are Stupid
- Finding Your Zone
- The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
- Read This Before Our Next Meeting
- Master Your Fears
- Graceful
- Poke the Box
- Heidi Løke: Gi aldri opp
- How to move minds and influence people
- Rip it up
- Dianetics
- How to predict the unpredictable
- Think like a freak
- Influence: Science and practice
- Practical mindfulness
- How to persuade people who don’t want to be persuaded
- Transforming workplace cultures
- Below here are the syllabus books that I in certification courses:
- ITIL Core guidance (Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, Continual Service Improvement)
- ITIL Practitioner
- PRINCE2: Managing Successful Projects
- PRINCE2 Agile
- New Rational Manager (Kepner-Tregoe)
- Managing Successful Programs
- Management of Portfolios
- Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices: P3O
- Management of Risk
- Managing Benefits
- A leader’s framework for decision making
- Change Management Body of Knowledge
More shelves coming later….