PRINCE2 7th Edition

Tips to pass exam:
Link to Miro board
Kahoot quiz (download Kahoot app and search for “brendanmartin”
7 principles: (Rules to follow on everything)
- Ensure Continued Business Justification (Usually a Costs/Benefits analysis that must be maintained, checked and confirmed regularly)
- Learn from experience (Identifying and sharing lessons across projects both internal and external with other projects)
- Defined roles and responsibilities (Who will contribute what to the project? Knowing what will be expected of each role around the project)
- Manage by stages (Control points throughout the project help to decide if the project should continue with funding or stop. Often linked up to milestones and key points)
- Manage by exception (This works when Tolerance levels are set and then if something threatens a level, something must be done eg. An issue to be raised on Time Tolerance)
- Focus on products (Ensure the products to be made have quality criteria so the customer gets what they want and then its also easier to approve in quality approval)
- Tailor to suit the project environment (Tailor PRINCE2 to size, risk etc … Every project is tailored, often by the Project Manager and then Approved by the Project Board.)
7 Practices: (Specialist chapters in the book)
- Business case (Why?)
- Organizing (Who?)
- Quality (What?)
- Plans (How? How much? When?)
- Risk (What if…?)
- Issues (WTF?! What now?)
- Progress (Where are we? Where are we going? Should we carry on?)
7 Processes: (Groups of activities to do at that time in the project)
- Starting up a project (Pre-project)
- Directing a project (For the Project Board)
- Initiating a project (For initiation)
- Managing a stage boundary (To plan for next stages)
- Controlling a stage (For assigning work and dealing with everyday things)
- Managing product delivery (Formal process to handover work)
- Closing a project (To wrap up the project)