Happiness is a pointless goal. Don’t compare yourself with other people, compare yourself with who you were yesterday. No one gets away with anything, ever, so take responsibility for your own life. You conjure your own world, not only metaphorically but also literally and neurologically. These lessons are what the great stories and myths have been telling us since civilisation began.

— Jordan Peterson, 2018, From his book “12 rules for life”



Focus on value

Design for (customer) experience

Start where you are

Work holistically

Progress iteratively

Observe directly

Be transparent


Keep it simple


Continued Business Justification

Learn from experience

Manage by stages

Manage by exception

Focus on products (not PRINCE2)

Defined Roles and responsibilities

Tailor PRINCE2 to suit each environment

Management of Portfolios

Senior management commitment

Governance alignment

Strategy alignment

Portfolio office

Energized change culture



Tren på det du vil bli god på

Impress your customer

Have fun


Simply happy podcast

Artwork from the amazing Hugh at Gapingvoid.com (worth a visit!)