What I’m doing
Spotify playlist:
Seeing as i’m on a jump rope project at the moment, this is playlist while jumping.
At the moment I’m waiting for this book to be released
in Nov 2020: (Update, i’ve finished the book and looking forward to the film, especially the later chapters)
Latest movie I’ve seen:
Podcasts I listen to:
Present 100 day project:
100 days of skipping, at least 30 mins a day.
At time of updating here I’m on day 245 with average of 64 minutes per day.
Board game I’m playing:
At the moment I’m heavily into the Pandemic universe and all the extensions included on that game. Pandemic is a co-op team game, either the game wins or we win. We all have special skills and need to utilise these special skills in each other to win…. just like life 🙂